Sandyville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Sandyville is 53 as of 2019, and the median gross rent is $696. The city is located in Warren County and is a part of the Township of Union, a minor civil division. The area's residents are mostly of French, Dutch, German, and English descent. The change in population from the 1990s was +1.7%. The air quality level was 66.8 in 2018, which is slightly better than average for the United States.

The official USPS name of Sandyville, West Virginia, is SANDYVILLE. Sandyville is also the name of a school and a town. Its ZIP code is D, which is the default name, and the city is located in it. The city's population and steets are different from other cities in the area. For example, the city's population is slightly different than that of neighboring cities, and it's estimated that the area has more than one school.

In 2016, the median age of residents in Sandyville was 47.4 years. There were 15.4% of those under 18 years of age, and 17.8% of those in their twenties were 18 to 24 years old. Twenty-seven percent of residents were aged 25-44; 39.1% were aged 45-64; and 17.6% of people were over 65. The median age of residents was forty years, and males outnumbered females 134.6 to one. The median household income per capita was $3,680.