Rock Camp, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're moving to Rock Camp City and wondering if you're safe, consider the population and crime statistics in this article. Using the Crime Map, you can get a sense of the overall crime rate in Rock Camp City, as well as compare it to other similar cities. These statistics are based on the overall population, and the crime rates in Rock Camp City are similar to the West Virginia and national averages.

A map of the area's population shows the racial makeup of Rock Camp. The population is primarily white, with only 0.4% being black or Hispanic. However, 0.4% of residents claimed to be Hispanic. Another factor to consider when evaluating your target audience is their income level. In Rock Camp, the median household income is $43,750, with a median income of $51,364. Those who are unemployed are 60% less likely to own a home.

The villages of Rock Camp City are clusters of theme camps that share resources and have a common focus. At least two theme camps must be part of a village. Additional types of camps may join with two or more theme camps. Every camp within a village must complete a Camp Placement Questionnaire. If a village contains only one type of camp, it may be classified as a neighborhood.