Richwood, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before you go on your next vacation, check the population and steets in Richwood City, TX. You can also find nearby cities. Listed below are the top 10 cities closest to Richwood City. You can use this list to book flights between these cities and Richwood, TX. The cities are listed by distance from the city center. You can also use these lists to find cities within 100 miles of Richwood, TX.

The town was platted in 1829 and opened for settlement in the early nineteenth century. Its first business was a grocery store run by Burdick & Calloway. The Methodist Episcopal Church established a meeting society in 1834. Richwood also had a school and church. Today, the town has an impressive history. However, its development is not without its challenges. In this article, we'll explore some of the local businesses, which are located in Richwood City.

The average commute time for the residents of Richwood is 30 minutes, making it slightly slower than the state's average of 24 minutes. The vast majority of Richwood residents choose to drive to work - with 41% choosing not to use public transit or walk. Walking, however, is not that common. Despite these challenges, Richwood's people seem to enjoy their jobs. The city is home to many businesses, including several industries that are essential for a well-functioning society.

A quick look at the population and steets of Richwood reveals that the city is relatively safe. Crime rates in the city are less than 0.5 percent higher than the national average, although they are lower in the northwest part of the city. Overall, Richwood is in the 64th percentile for safety, making it slightly safer than the rest of the city. It is important to note that the Crime Grade applies to the entire city, not to a single neighborhood or street.