Richmond Dale, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever been to Richmond Dale, OH, you know that this small town in the state of Ohio is a nice place to live. However, if you've never been to this part of the country, you might be wondering what the population and steets are like. Here, you'll discover the details of this little town, and find out what life is like there.

Compared to the rest of the U.S., Dale City's population is relatively young. Its median age is 34.6, nearly three years younger than the national average. Moreover, only 8.70% of the city's population is over 65. Meanwhile, the U.S. population is made up of almost 15 percent of those in their golden years. Despite this, Dale City's young population is not necessarily indicative of the quality of life for its residents.

According to the 2010 census, there are 61.1% of American citizens who identify as white, 12.3% as black or African American, and 0.7% as American Indian or Alaska Native. Twenty-seven percent of people are Hispanic or Latino and two percent are unidentified. However, a recent study by the U.S. Census Bureau shows that people in Dale City are of different races. Their ancestry is listed on the census, and the most common ethnicities include German, Irish, English, and African. The most common ancestry is Ghanaian, while Sierra Leonean is also quite prevalent.

While residing in Dale City, the O'Learys, who were born and raised in this community, decided to move away. The O'Learys have two children, and they plan to move. Their plans to move out were reported in the Potomac News in November 2017. In the article, it is noted that most of the original residents of the neighborhood have moved elsewhere. So, what are the demographics of Richmond Dale City?