Ray, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population of Ray City, GA, then you have come to the right place. This city is home to military personnel. The population in Ray City is largely young, with a median age of 32. The average family size is 3.3, and the city ranks 11425 nationally and 300 in Georgia for diversity. But what do you really need to know? Read on to find out more!

One of the first things you should know about Ray City is that its crime rate is lower than that of other Sparse Suburban cities. In fact, almost half of Ray City residents worry about their safety. In terms of education, Ray City scores highly on national and statewide rankings. These rankings take factors like public school graduation rates, enrollment rates, student to teacher ratios, and parent and student reviews.

The crime rate in Ray City is below the national average. There are 41 crimes reported per 1,000 people in the city every year. This crime rate is lower than the national average, but it is still higher than the national average. In terms of safety, Ray City ranks 34th out of 79 cities. Compared to other U.S. cities, Ray City is relatively safe. But it is not completely safe.