Rawson, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The latest data for the Population & Steets in Rawon City, OH is provided by Radaris. This website has data on a wide variety of cities, including Rawson. Among the population of Rawson, OH, 53.5% are male and 46.5% are female. The gender ratio in this city is below the state average of 49.0% to 51.0%, but above the national average of 49.2% to 50.8%.

According to the most recent census, the population of Dawson is 2,350. The city experiences moderate growth, with a modest rate of 4.2% between the 2011 and 2016 federal censuses. Despite the modest growth, the city's population is still growing, with a strong capacity to attract young people seeking a unique experience. This group is also more likely to establish long-term residences and start families.

Before the 1898 gold rush, Dawson was a sleepy community of tents and cabins. The name seemed an exaggeration to newcomers, but the ice melted in early June. A trickle of small boats soon grew into an armada of hundreds, clogging the two-mile waterfront. Meanwhile, tents spread across the hill behind town. Luckily, this early population growth has brought a significant boost to the city's economy.

As of the beginning of the twentieth century, Dawson City is home to a diverse arts community. The Yukon School of Visual Arts is housed on the campus of Yukon College. The Klondike Institute of Art and Culture is located in the Denakar Zho building, known as the 'colour house'. The city's rich history of gold mining made Dawson a great place to visit and enjoy.