Pleasant City, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Pleasant City is 395, making it one of the smaller US cities. The population is now 14.5% smaller than it was in 2010, but has stayed largely stable. In terms of per capita income, Pleasant City was considered lower middle-class compared to the rest of Ohio. Per capita income in Pleasant City, OH was $23,066, which equates to $92,264 for a family of four. Residents in Pleasant City identify themselves as belonging to several racial and ethnic groups. Most report that they are White, but a few also report African-American, Italian, and German ancestry.

The language spoken by the people living in Pleasant City is English. Other important languages include German/Yiddish and Polish. There are about 81% renter-occupied households in Pleasant City. The quality of life is a personal choice for many people, and what works for one person may not be good for another. If the quality of life is important to you, look for a place with good school districts, affordable housing, and low crime rates.

The neighborhoods in Pleasant City are very diverse and largely residential. The city is home to many historic buildings, including the Carnegie library, Liberal Hall, and Sanpete County Co-op. There is also a relic hall and a blacksmith shop, which is an important aspect for a neighborhood. Residents of Pleasant City will likely have neighbors who are friendly and nice. But they may not be as welcoming as you'd like.