Pettisville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a better idea of the population of a city, it is useful to know the Population & Steets in Pettysville City. This way, you can find out whether this city is better than the average. For example, if you're looking for information about the poverty rate, you can find out the percentage of the population that is below the poverty line. The poverty rate in Pettisville is slightly lower than the national average, at 14.5%.

The median property value in Pettisville, OH was $132,800 in 2019, which was 0.552 times smaller than the national average. Compared to other cities in Ohio, this city has a higher percentage of homeowners than other areas. Additionally, the average commute time for Pettisville residents is 13.1 minutes. People also drive alone to work, and the average number of cars per household is two.

The median household income in Pettisville, OH was $65,714 in 2018. This is above the U.S. average of $65,712. Pettisville is comprised of a mixed population of rich and poor people. However, if you're looking to relocate to this area, you'll want to see the income distribution in the area before you make your decision. This will help you determine if you're making the right decision.

While Pettisville has a diverse population, there are some things to consider. First, the people in Pettisville are overwhelmingly US citizens. In fact, 100% of Pettisville's residents are US citizens, which is higher than the national average. This is especially true for the area's military population, as there are many veterans living here. So, you should know about the people living in Pettisville before making a decision.