Peebles, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Pebles City, OH is just over two thousand and eight hundred. The majority of the city's residents are white. Only 0.5% of residents are black or Hispanic, and the median household income is $32,439 (or $42,168, if you're wondering). Peebles has an average high school graduation rate of 65.5%, and the city is home to a small but thriving community.

Compared to other American cities, Peebles, OH has an above average rent burden, which measures how much of a household's income is spent on rental housing. This statistic is useful for evaluating whether a city is affordable to rent. Peebles, OH has a much higher rent burden than most of its peers, with more people renting their homes than owning them.

In 2019, the population of Peebles, OH was almost nine thousand and eighty-five percent U.S. citizens. Its median property value was $96,100, and the homeownership rate was 42.6%. Most residents commuted to work by car, with the average commute time being 29 minutes. There were two cars per household, and 99% of the residents were white (non-Hispanic).