Painesville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table contains information about the Population & Steets in Painville City, Ohio. This information will give you an idea about the overall population and racial makeup of the city. The percentage of people who live below the poverty line is calculated by looking at money incomes and the family composition. According to this information, approximately N/A people live in poverty. The most common racial and ethnic groups in Painesville are White people, Hispanic people, and Black people.

There are no major shopping malls or nightlife in Painesville. However, the town has a small town feel. Residents are close and friendly, which is a good thing if you're looking for cheap housing. If you're looking to raise a family in a city with a higher cost of living, however, you should look elsewhere. Fortunately, there's still some affordable housing in Painesville, so you don't have to sacrifice convenience.

The median age of residents of Painesville, Ohio is 31. The median age for foreign-born residents is 35. Another interesting fact about this city is that it has a high proportion of non-English speakers, with 23.7% of those residents speaking Spanish. However, only 1.2% of Painesville's residents speak any Asian or Indo-European language. Furthermore, most of the people living in Painesville are White.

The poverty rate in Painesville, Ohio is 18.2%, with a child poverty rate of 25.0%. There are also some families who are below the poverty line. One potato, two potatoes was filmed in Painesville in 1964 and was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. The Painesville City Hall and Lake County Courthouse are still in place, but the Parmly Hotel was replaced by a shopping center and an office complex.