Okolona, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Okolona City is made up of 136 people, identifying as either Black, Hispanic, or Latino. Other ethnicities are also present in the neighborhood: 0.0% identify as Asian, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander. One percent of the population is unknown or non-reported. Another 0.1% of residents identify as a combination of races. There are many other ethnic groups, but these are not the most common.

The median household income of Okolona is $21,071 per year. The poverty rate in this city is 6.9%, which is well above the state and the national average. The median age of residents in Okolona is 30 years old. There are a total of 82 evictions in the city during the past year, which reflects the lack of affordable housing.

Okolona's poverty rate is low, with only 12.8% of the population living below the federal poverty level. This figure is based on a comparison of the city's poverty rate with the national average. For each individual, there is a separate poverty line for single adults. For a family to qualify, all members must make less than that amount. If a family has more than one member below the federal poverty line, they are considered poor.

Okolona's population is 2,577. The average commute time is 22.6 minutes. The median home value in Okolona is $73,000. Home appreciation has been -0.6% over the past 10 years. If you are considering relocating to Okolona, MS, you'll find some helpful information below. You can book a flight to a nearby city or just plan a road trip to explore the area.