Oakwood, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table gives a brief overview of the population and steets of Oakwood City. It does not contain a full census, but should give you a good idea of the general area. There are several residential neighborhoods located in the City, with a mix of ages, family sizes and incomes. The older, less populated neighborhood is located north and west of the central business district, and it is not in bad condition.

The median age of the population in Oakwood City was 40.5 years. The age group making up the city's population was comprised of those who were under 18 and those who were 25 to 44 years old. Twenty-nine percent of residents were between 45 and 64 years old, while 11.9% of the population were 65 years old or older. The top two industries in Oakwood City are Educational Services (with 726 residents) and Health Care & Social Assistance. The top three industries in Oakwood City paid the highest salaries, with a median income of $94,731 and a per capita income of $50,258.

The city has an impressive collection of architecture. Most of the houses were built before World War II. They vary in size and architectural styles. In the western part of the city, there are historic houses and large, secluded plots of land. Several historic homes can be found in the Hawthorn Hill neighborhood. This area is popular for its shopping and dining, as well. It is home to Orville Wright, who lived in Oakwood for most of his life.