Oak Hill, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the Population & Steets in Oak Hills City, Florida, you've come to the right place. The following data is compiled from the U.S. Census Bureau. The data is based on self-identified race and ethnicity. Oak Hill is relatively diverse, and its population is 74% white. However, the city has a small Hispanic population and its residents are mostly white.

The City of Oak Hill is the southernmost city in Southeast Volusia County. The area was originally inhabited by Indians, as early maps show. Surruque el Viejo was mapped by French cartographer Jacque Lemoyne in 1564. In the mid-1700s, English settlers arrived and named the area Oak Hill. The Seminole Wars chased away the northern timber cutters, who named their camp Oak Hill. In 1856, the town was the scene of a massacre where four bodies were found and their identities were stolen by the local Seminole tribe.

The median age of residents of Oak Hill, FL is 56.2. The median age is 56 for native-born residents and 54 for foreign-born residents. The median household income in Oak Hill is $49,639. While this amount is considerably less than the national average, it still represents 8.41% of the population. In addition, the number of people with a college degree is much higher in Oak Hill, FL than it is in the rest of the country.