Oak Harbor, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a general idea of the demographics of the city, check out the Population & Steets in Oak Harbour City. The city is surrounded by a variety of neighborhoods within its borders. The city has a population of more than 120,000, which is about average for an American city. However, if you're interested in specific information about a neighborhood, you can visit the city's official website.

The violent crime rate for Oak Harbor is 3.52 crimes per thousand residents. This means that it's not as safe as neighboring cities, as compared to other large US cities. In fact, people consider the western part of the city as being the safest part. For those interested in the rates of violent crimes, the chance is one in six69 in the south and one in 136 in the west. Obviously, it's not as easy as it seems to compare violent crime rates in different neighborhoods.

There are several factors to consider when determining the population and steets of a city. For instance, Oak Harbor has a mild climate. The city rarely experiences extreme temperatures. The city is also located on an island and therefore is relatively secluded. However, this doesn't mean that it's too isolated or too remote to be considered a small town. A few things to keep in mind when determining the population and steets of a city are the location and population.