North Baltimore, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will give you a general idea of the population in North Baltimore City. You'll also discover the various neighborhoods. You can browse neighborhoods by name, geography, and vibe. You can also refine your search by average housing price and nearby amenities. Once you've found a neighborhood you like, try exploring it further with our Neighborhood Finder Tool. We'll even recommend a neighborhood based on similar characteristics.

The borough of Govans, founded in the early 1700s, was named after William Govane, who received a land grant from Frederick Calvert. Over time, this small town located along the York Turnpike turned into a thriving suburban neighborhood. As the city grew and changed to meet the needs of new drivers, the area got a new bridge over Jones Falls. In the 1930s, the Guilford Avenue Bridge and the Howard Street Bridge were constructed, spanning the river. Also in the 1890s, the town was home to the McShane Bell Foundry, a foundry that produced bells. The neighborhood encompasses the North Avenue Bridge, which carried North Avenue high over the railroad tracks. The city was also home to the Belvedere neighborhood, which occupied the area north of 25th Street.

The Baltimore City Archives has a large collection of historical maps of the city. There are both original maps and facsimiles of old ones. You can also use the Baltimore City Archives' two-volume typescript index, compiled by Rebecca Gunby. This index provides access to most of the city's maps and allows you to search for specific street names. The Baltimore Maps Online database also features a variety of historical maps and information.