Newburgh Heights, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Newburgh Heights City? Newburgh Heights is a city in Ohio with a population of 1,718 people. 50.6% of the population is male and 49.4% is female, which is below the state average of 49.2% to 50.8%. The gender ratio in Newburgh Heights is also close to the national average.

The area is becoming more ethnically diverse and is home to a growing Latin population, complementing the African-American population. However, economic development is still a concern, with few good manufacturing jobs replacing the local economy. The city has also seen problems with illegal immigration, overcrowded apartment buildings, and mild racial conflict. But despite its challenges, Newburgh is one of the most desirable places to live in Newburgh Heights.

The area is home to the Washington Golf Learning Center, which has a nine-hole course and offers classes and clinics to improve golf skills. In addition, there are several other sports facilities located in the area. Those interested in golf can try out the Washington Golf Learning Center, which features a nine-hole course and a putting green. And for those who love sports, there are also many recreational opportunities and a baseball field.

The population of Newburgh Heights City is estimated to be 1,862 people. It is located between the Cuyahoga River and the industrial valley on the west. The population is expected to rise to around 20,000 people in the next five years. Despite the relatively small size, the city is home to some of the country's oldest buildings. And residents enjoy many recreational activities, including swimming and tennis.