New Weston, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for demographics information on the city of NEW WESTON, OH, you will find it right here. The city is located in Darke County, Ohio. According to the US CENSUS BUREAU, the population of New Weston was 115 people as of 2016. As of 2016, the median household income was $42,917. To learn more about this community, you can check out the town's website.

Located in eastern Massachusetts, Weston is surrounded by the towns of Waltham and Newton to the north, Wellesley to the south, and Wayland to the west. It is a 12-mile drive from Boston, 27 miles from Lowell, and 29 miles east of Worcester. Weston is 207 miles away from New York City. You will also find many other smaller towns in this area.

Although Weston has been a predominantly rural town, the city has many modern amenities. There are several hospitals, restaurants, and a post office. A charming shopping center is located in town, which includes a small grocery store, a bank, a dry cleaner, and a post office. The town's four school campus is close to the town center, as is the local library. The city also has a rich history of volunteerism.

While poverty is very low in this area, New Weston's income and property taxes are higher than the national average. There are 10 rented houses in the city, and 0 people live in homeless shelters. New Weston has a lower rent burden than neighboring towns of Anna and Casstown. A low rate of homelessness is also good news for the community. In 2016, only 8.6% of residents lived in New Weston, FL.