New Riegel, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table shows the Population & Steets in New-Riegel City, OH. As of 2016 data, the population of New Riegel City is 258 people, and the median household income is $41,500. To help you understand the economic situation of the city, the poverty rate is also shown. This information is based on the US CENSUS BUREAU's 2016 data.

The following table shows the race-based population of New Riegel, Ohio. The darker the shade, the bigger the racial minority. The chart also includes the diversity score of each race. Population and Steets in New Riegel City are constantly updated, so check back for updates. In order to compare New Riegel with other cities in Ohio, view these maps.

New Riegel is one of the smaller cities in Ohio, but it's a relatively large city compared to other Ohio cities. As a result, it has a lower rate of single people than the average U.S. city. As for the average family size, New Riegel has two children per household. In addition, it has a population that is about 38% smaller than the average American city.

Another thing to consider about New Riegel is the high school. While many people still live on the family farm, there are more people who work in the bigger cities. The school district has fewer jobs than other cities, but many people live there their entire lives. A high school enrollment of 150 students makes it an ideal school for families with young children. The community's cafe has become a gathering place for locals and tourists alike.