New Plymouth, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in New Plympton City? It is a quaint seaside city with a population of around 86,000 people. This city has a very temperate, oceanic climate, with summer afternoon temperatures of about twenty-two degrees Celsius, and winter nights around five or six degrees. The city has a low, average annual rainfall of about 1,432 millimeters (56.4 inches) and snow is rare.

The current population of New Plymouth City is smaller than that of most other cities in New Zealand, with a majority of residents being European. However, New Plymouth does have a high proportion of overseas-born residents, with 16 percent of Taranaki people being born overseas. Despite this, the population growth in the rest of New Zealand is significantly smaller, with just a few hundred residents residing in New Plymouth's inland suburbs.

The New Plymouth Province was created in 1852 by the New Zealand Constitution Act. It included more than 400,000 square km and was the largest town in the Taranaki region. The First Taranaki War involved over 3500 Imperial soldiers, with the city as the base. The first settlers were from the town of Vogeltown. The town also includes Frankleigh Park, Westown, and St Aubyn-Moturoa.

A recent census conducted by the New Plymouth District Council reveals that the population of the city is growing outwards. The New Plymouth District Plan highlights areas where growth is projected. However, it is worth noting that the New Plymouth District has an insufficient supply of social housing units. Moreover, the city's soaring property prices are impacting different types of people. Housing in areas like Spotswood and Marfell is selling for prices that are out of reach of locals.