New Philadelphia, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of New Philadelphia City? The city of New Philadelphia has a population of 10,355 people and a median household income of $37,750. Poverty rates in New Philadelphia are similar to those in Denver and Adamstown. The median gross rent in New Philadelphia is $505 per month. Listed below are the demographics of New Philadelphia and the surrounding areas.

The first census in 1790 recorded 301 slaves in urban Philadelphia. These numbers were falling quickly through the 1790s. As Philadelphia became racially integrated, the slave population declined. Although slave owners were scattered throughout the city, the concentration was south of Market Street. By the mid-1960s, less than half of the city's 530,000 African-American residents lived in North Philadelphia. The average income was $3352 per year, which was nearly 30% less than the city's average.

There were many immigrants in the city. In fact, nearly one in five Philadelphians were immigrants. These people were mostly in service-related occupations. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of immigrants in the labor force increased by six-hundred people. The median household income in New Philadelphia was $37,000. Immigrants were more likely than natives to be poor. The rate of poverty among immigrants was 24 percent.

Immigrants also make up the majority of the immigrant population in Philadelphia. However, immigrants are also the most diverse ethnic group in the city, with no single group dominating the immigrant population. In fact, particular nationalities are rapidly redefining some neighborhoods. Census data from 2012 to 2016 are more reliable. More recent data, however, indicates that African immigrants may have almost equaled the number of European immigrants.