New Lexington, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in New Lexington City? You can use census data to determine the neighborhood's demographics. The population of this city consists of 100.9% white residents, 0.5% black residents, and 0.2% Hispanic citizens. While the overall population is affluent and has a high school graduation rate of 79%, you can't be sure who your target audience is based on these numbers alone.

If you're planning a vacation, check out the nearby towns and cities. These areas are within four hours' drive of New Lexington. You can find flights to these destinations if you'd like to see other parts of the area. The nearest cities are listed in ascending order of distance from New Lexington. You can also check out the population of nearby cities by looking up the distance from New Lexington to those cities.

The Lexington highway system is similar to that of other Southern cities. It is organized around major arterial streets, or "pikes," such as New Circle Road. Lexington, on the other hand, doesn't have a grid of major arterial streets. This has led to some congestion problems in the southern cities. However, the city's high-quality of life makes it a desirable place to live.

The city was founded in 1817. Named after Lexington, Massachusetts, the town has a post office since 1829. Located on the corner of Main Street and West Brown Street, the Perry County Courthouse was dedicated a year later. Despite its location, this small town offers many amenities, including an extensive public library. The city has plenty of attractions and a lively downtown. With these advantages, the population of the area will continue to grow.