New Bremen, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the population and steets of the city of New Bremen, Ohio. This information can help you make decisions about where to live and invest your money. The per capita income of New Bremen, OH is $39,333, making it relatively rich in comparison to other communities in Ohio and the United States. The median house value is $168,500. Residents of New Bremen are of various races and ethnicities. The majority of the residents are White, while Asians, Polish, and other races are also represented.

The canal boosted the city's economy. Farmers from far away came to New Bremen to dispose of their hogs. It was a booming industry, with upwards of 10,000 hogs being shipped from New Bremen in its peak years. During the early 19th century, New Bremen enjoyed prosperity from this industry, which supported hotels and other businesses. It was the largest industrial city in the region until the Civil War.

As a former German colony, New Bremen has a long and rich history. Today, this city is home to a thriving arts community. The area has more artists and designers than ninety percent of all communities in the United States. In addition to that, the city is home to more computer and media workers than ninety-five percent of US cities. It is also home to more people who work for themselves than any other business.