New Athens, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are thinking about moving to New Athens City, Illinois, there are several factors that will affect the cost of living. In addition to the cost of living, you will also need to take a look at the crime rate in the city. You can find out how safe a certain area of the city is by visiting the Crime Map of New Athens. The Crime Map of New Athens shows you how safe and unsafe certain areas are, as well as the overall rate of crime in the city.

The most common racial groups living in New Athens are White, Hispanic, and Black. The poverty line is set by the Census Bureau, and New Athens is no different. To qualify for poverty, an individual must have a household income that is below the federal poverty line. Listed below are the statistics on the poverty rate in New Athens, Illinois.

After the 1950s, Athens started to expand, and a lot of new apartment buildings were built. Old social lines were erased, with only the Kolonaki district remaining a enclave of respectable fortunes. Land values in the center of the city quadrupled, then octupled. Meanwhile, the villages attached to the city lost their political and physical identities. While the city's population continued to expand, the west side of a once-popular olive grove was razed and the greenery was covered by housing. Without parks and open space, it soon became impossible to walk around the city.