Neville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Nevile City, Pennsylvania: An overview of this city is a must for those planning to move to this area. Here you will find information on the overall population and the average income for residents. Neville's median household income is $31,042, making this a more affordable place to live than many other cities in the state. However, you should keep in mind that poverty rates are higher than average in this area, so you should plan accordingly.

ESRI and Census data indicate that there are no evictions reported in Neville City. In 2016, there were 0 evictions in Neville City. That is lower than Miamiville, Millersburg, and New Castle. Several other cities in the area had zero or one eviction. Compared to these cities, Neville recorded 0 evictions in 2016.