Moxahala, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for the population and steets of Moxahala City, Ohio, you've come to the right place. This unincorporated community is located in Perry County. The population density is 72 people per square mile. It is part of the Columbus-Marion-Zanesville, OH, metro area. The percentage of the population with a college degree is 0%.

As a part of the U.S. Census, Moxahala has the same percentage of residents of the average race and ethnicity as other US cities. This means that Moxahala City is in the 49th percentile for overall safety, while 51% of cities in the country are safer than Moxahala. There's a high crime rate here, but it's far less than the national average.

Fortunately, the area is safe. Crime in Moxahala City is significantly lower than the Ohio state average. In fact, it's safer than most nearby cities in similar size ranges. However, the city's population density is quite low. As a result, crime rates in Moxahala are lower than the national average. To be safe, be sure to use caution and exercise due diligence when choosing a neighborhood.