Mowrystown, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Mohrystown City, Ohio. Each tier represents the percentage of residents who own their own home. Mowrystown has a higher percentage of homeowners than the national average, and many people work in other industries. According to the Census Bureau, the most common occupations in Mowrystown are manufacturing, retail trade, and other services, although residents may also work in other industries.

The per capita income of Mowrystown, Ohio is $19,045, which is very low compared to other places in the country and the state. Families with children live at an income below the poverty line at 8.2%. More than 70 percent of the population in Mowrystown is employed, and there are both rich and poor residents. The area has a comparatively low rate of unemployment, at 4.3% for the total labor force aged 16 and over. Furthermore, 9.0% of the population is employed by the government or state, and a few live in the suburbs.

The age structure of residents in Mowrystown, Ohio is quite diverse, with more men than women. Among all places in the state, Mowrystown has the highest percentage of non-Hispanic white residents (49.4%). The smallest proportion of residents is older than sixty-nine years. However, the city is home to only 1.4% of Asians, and is the fourth most diverse place in the state.