Minford, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information is provided for the population and steets of Minford City, Ohio. In the past year, the population of Minford City has stayed relatively constant, at approximately 413 people. The median age for residents in the city is 48.1 years, and the median household income is N/A. The median home value is $131,300, and the last ten years have seen an appreciation of 4.9%.

In terms of racial and ethnic diversity, 61.3% of Minford City residents are white and 12.3% are black. The remainder are American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander. About 17.8% of the population is Hispanic and 2.6% are other races. Interestingly, there are many different ways to commute to work in Minford City, and a map can help you find the best route for you.

The population and steets in Minford City, OH are calculated by taking the population and employment figures from census data. The area's most common industries include Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Education. The highest paying occupations in Minford are Health Care & Social Assistance and Educational Services. These occupations are responsible for the high unemployment rate in the city. However, the median household income is not necessarily indicative of the economic health of Minford City.