Mineral Ridge, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In order to evaluate a city's quality of life, consider its population and steets. This table provides information about the demographic makeup of Mineral Ridge. This city's population is mainly middle-aged adults, with a median age of fifty years. Families here consist of two adults and two children. Mineral Ridge ranks 16769 out of 1,215 Ohio incorporated cities in terms of diversity.

The overall cost of living in Mineral Ridge is lower than the national average and most of the cities in Ohio. While there are areas with higher costs on a state and federal level, the overall cost of housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, and miscellaneous items is lower than the national average. This is especially good news for those who are struggling to make ends meet. If you're looking for a better place to raise a family, you might want to consider moving to Mineral Ridge.

Crime is lower in Mineral Ridge than in neighboring cities. The city's crime rate is significantly lower than the national average. While the city has a low number of crimes, crime rates do tend to be higher in areas where people gather. So, it's always best to stay away from areas where crime is rampant. A low crime rate is good news for any city. And, it doesn't mean that Mineral Ridge is safer or less safe than other cities.

The population of Mineral Ridge City is based on the Census-defined place. The city is small in size. Its population is around 3,477. This is lower than most of the towns in the region. Even though the city is smaller, the economic conditions are worse. It's hard to see the impact of this in a city with such a small population. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is likely that there will always be a large number of immigrants in the future.