Miamisburg, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a complete demographic breakdown of Miamisburg City, Ohio, visit the city's official website. This detailed demographic profile will give you an idea of the city's ethnic makeup. Many residents of Miamisburg report Irish and English roots, and residents from Asia and South America are also represented. For further details, consult the Miamisburg City Census page. Also, view a list of schools in Miamisburg.

The economy of Miamisburg, Ohio employs approximately 9.6k people. Health Care & Social Assistance employs 1,498 people, while Manufacturing and Retail Trade employ 1,176. Residents of Miamisburg earn an average of $63,042, which is less than the US median of $60630. The median annual income of Miamisburg, Ohio residents is $63,042 per year. Considering the recent changes in the state's median income, Miamisburg is a great place to live.

The population of Miamisburg is 19,790, making it the 1,889th largest city in the US. The city is a large industrial center, with some manufacturing and nuclear operations taking place in the area during World War II. Retail activities are also a big part of Miamisburg, including the Dayton Mall, Dayco, Teradata, and Motoman. The city also borders Springboro.

The average family size in Miamisburg is 3.2 people. This city has the highest proportion of single parents in the region, with 45% of mothers aged 15-19 living alone. Moreover, it has the highest percentage of married couples in Ohio. While there are many households in the area, the majority of households are made up of one person. There are approximately 7.449 single-parent households in Miamisburg.