Marble Cliff, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To get a better idea of the demographic makeup of Marble Cliff City, you can view a map of the area. The map displays how the city's population compares to its neighbors and parent cities. The median household income is $40,228. Residents in Marble Cliff, OH use a variety of transportation methods to get to work. The majority of workers (79.5%) drive alone to work, while a small percentage carpool or work from home. Ohio's unemployment rate is around 1.9%, but only a small proportion of these workers use other means of transportation.

The median annual income of the Marble Cliff, OH community is $88,125. This is more than the national average of $65,712 for all adults. There are 318 employed people in Marble Cliff. The largest industries in the city are Educational Services (59 people), Health Care & Social Assistance (33 people), and Real Estate & Rental / Leasing (33.8%). In addition, 21.8% of housing units in Marble Cliff, OH were constructed before 1940.

The median property value in Marble Cliff, OH is $596,800. This is about 2.48 times the national median property value of $240,500. Eighty-seven percent of Marble Cliff residents live below the poverty line. The median household income is $27,488. In addition, the median age is 42.6%. The population is made up of 420 people, 420 of whom are male, and 18.7% are female.