Macedonia, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the population and steets in Macedonia City? This article will give you some helpful information. You can easily find out about the average income, number of people living in Macedonia City, and other important details. Keep reading to know the latest numbers! You can also learn about the history of Macedonia City and the different ethnic groups living here. This information is important for establishing a good relationship with the local population.

The World Factbook is the most important reference tool for basic information about the country. The Macedonian population is estimated at more than one million. Its cost of living is $230 per day. The country is a free trade zone and has low taxes. The US Department of State estimates the cost of living in Macedonia at $230 per day. Listed below are the population and steets of Macedonia City.

The poverty rate in Macedonia is lower than the national average. One-third of the population in the U.S. is below the poverty line. There is a small Jewish community in Macedonia. Macedonia has one of the lowest rates of crime in the U.S. While the national poverty rate is 14.1%, the local poverty rate is only 6.4%. For people aged fifteen and over, the poverty rate is 12.5%.

The labor force in Macedonia is estimated at 855,000. There are many different types of occupations in Macedonia, including agriculture, construction, service sector, and government. The Macedonian Constitution protects the right to form unions, but only government and military employees are allowed to do so. The country's labor confederation is called the Confederation of Trade Unions in Macedonia and is the government's primary negotiating partner on social issues. Because of the weak economic climate, employees have minimal bargaining power, and may resort to strikes to protect their interests.