Lower Salem, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Lower Salesm City

The City of Lower Salem has a population of approximately 19,381 people. The highest paid jobs in the city are in the Natural Resources, Construction, and Maintenance and Sales & Office sectors. There are four occupations that are more profitable in Salem than in the average American city. These jobs are listed below. The highest paying occupations in Lower Salem include:

According to the United States Census Bureau, Salem is a "Millennial Peak" city. The city has a high proportion of young adults, with nearly a quarter of residents aged 20 to 34 years old. In contrast, the largest increase in population was found in the 65+ age bracket. Approximately 90% of Salem residents are white. The city's population is becoming more diverse, and is beginning to match its population composition from the 1930s.

Compared to the national average of $65,712 per person, Lower Salem has lower median household income. Lower Salem has a higher percentage of multifamily structures, and smaller households. As a result, the median income is much lower. Larger households are more expensive to live in. This explains the large gap in rent prices between Salem and the national average. It is not surprising that more low-income households in Salem are renters.

The average income of renters in Lower Salem is less than half of the national average, and the median household income is just over three-quarters of the state's median. This difference in income is a major reason why Lower Salem is more affordable than other cities in the state. A higher income does not mean that people can't afford a home in Lower Salem. So, it's important to be aware of the area's affordability, as it can have an impact on renters' ability to afford it.