Liberty Township, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the population and steets of Liberty Township City look like, you've come to the right place. These statistics show how many people live in this town, as well as the family size in the area. Liberty township ranks tops for family size in the area, at 3.6 people per family. Also, the majority of people in Liberty township live in families, with 87% of residents living in such families.

The township's population is comprised of a mix of whites and blacks, although the population is predominantly white. However, there are a few areas where the percentages of different races are higher or lower, such as in the western portion. For example, the population of West Chester is higher than that of Liberty Township, which is not uncommon for a rural area. This is largely due to its proximity to the Ohio River and to the fact that many of the county's suburbs are located in the township center.

In addition to living in the community, residents of Liberty City often spend their afternoons relaxing on their front porches or sitting in the park. Some of the buildings in the city also feature murals, and residents of the neighborhood often spend their evenings playing dominoes. Some residents like to unwind at a smoke shop. Smoked barbecue fills the air. A visit to the city's smoke shops is an ideal way to enjoy the city's natural beauty while enjoying a meal.