Leetonia, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Leetonia City, Ohio are based on the racial makeup of the area. The median age was 42.4 for both native and foreign-born residents in the city. The median household income was $60,197. The majority of residents were white; 78.4% of the population identified as white. The most common racial or ethnic group was White (Hispanic), followed by American Indian & Alaska Native (Hispanic), and two or more others. Those who were foreign born were among the least likely to identify with a particular race.

Crime rates are measured in crimes per thousand residents. Crimes are generally lower in southwest Leetonia, OH, than in the city's north. However, the area's crime map might make it appear overly red. However, many crimes occur in the city's retail areas. That is why a high crime rate in the northwest part of the city can be misleading. Just because a city has more crime than another nearby neighborhood does not necessarily mean it is more dangerous.

The population of Leetonia is 1,813 people, with an average commute time of 20.5 minutes. In addition, the median home price in the area is $124,100, with a nine percent increase in home values over the past decade. This makes Leetonia a perfect place to live if you're looking for a new home. There are many different neighborhoods to choose from in Leetonia.