Latty, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Latchy City provide information about the demographics of the area. In 2016 the city's population was 186. The median household income was $54,375. There were 12% people living in poverty, which is above average for this area. Despite this low poverty rate, living in Latty is not without its perks. Listed below are some of the things to know about Latty.

There are approximately 14.2 homes in Latty City, and 0.26 percent of them are rented. There are 0 evictions reported here and in nearby cities. While there are several reasons for evictions, a high number of them is indicative of a deteriorating economy. In 2016 the population was about the same as the median income for neighboring cities of Elgin and Venedocia.