Langsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and stouts of Langsville City, Indiana, you've come to the right place. The United States Census Bureau has recently released the most recent data from their 2019 American Community Survey. Although the Bureau makes every effort to keep its data current and accurate, you should always verify the data before using it. This information is also subject to change. To see current statistics on the city, visit its official website.

The city of Langsville has a population of 9,234 people, of which 6,595 are families. The number of single-family households in Langsville varies, but they generally fall into one of three groups: married-couple households (158 males and 138 females), single-family attached homes (80), and nonfamily households (2,662 total).

When searching for flights from Langsville, OH, it may be beneficial to search for nearby cities. There are many large cities within 56 miles of Langsville, including Columbus, Cincinnati, and Toledo. Then you can look for flights to these areas and compare them to the population of Langsville, OH. If you're planning a family vacation, you'll be glad you did! If you need more information about the local area, consider visiting the nearest airport. You may also be able to find a flight from a city 4 hours from Langsville, OH.