Lakeside Marblehead, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The crime rate in Lakeside-Marblehead City can vary greatly depending on where you live. Crime rates in Lakeside-Marblehead are less than those in nearby cities, as evidenced by the table below. Crime rates in neighboring cities are comparable to the state average, but crime in Lakeside-Marblehead is lower than the national average. However, you must remember that the crime rate map shows only a count, not the actual number of crimes.

The population of Lakeside Marblehead is about 1,593 people. Of that number, 1,593 people commute by car, 49 by foot, and nine by trolley bus. The US Census Bureau has updated this data yearly and cannot guarantee its accuracy. This city is a popular vacation spot for vacationers, and residents own second homes. Many businesses rely on the tourism dollar and only operate during peak season. As a result, the population of Lakeside Marblehead drops dramatically once the vacation season ends.

The Lakeside Marblehead City zip code is 43440. It is located primarily in Ottawa County, but parts of it are within the city limits. The area is primarily Middle Class. The unemployment rate is 3.6%. The home value appreciation rate is 4.4%. When compared to the national average, Lakeside Marblehead has a lower unemployment rate than other cities in Ohio. So, if you are looking to buy a home in Lakeside Marblehead, consider purchasing.