Lake Waynoka, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're moving to the area, you'll probably be wondering where the best neighborhoods are. If you've been there your whole life, you may already know what neighborhoods you prefer. For those who are new to the area, they may be moving for a new job, or perhaps to start anew. Either way, researching neighborhoods in Lake Waynoka can be exhausting. Here are some tips on where to live and what to look for.

The majority race map shows the number of people in the area who self-identify as black or white. Darker shades indicate a larger race majority. The map below shows Lake Waynoka City's diversity by race. Areas that are green have a higher diversity than those in red. If you're unsure of what the majority race is in your neighborhood, consider looking at other neighborhoods within the area.

While you're choosing a neighborhood, consider your family's needs. When you're buying a home, you'll want to make sure you like the neighborhood you're going to live in. Whether you're moving into a new town or relocating from another city, you'll want to make sure you'll enjoy your future neighborhood. While buying a new home is an exciting and rewarding process, it's also a long-term commitment. For Lake Waynoka, that's true - residents are married at 58.9%, have an average family size of 2.68, and are highly educated.

The population of Lake Waynoka is approximately three hundred and fifty people. You'll find people of all ages in the city, from young to old. The median age is 31.2 years old. That's not bad for a small town. The city is near the Kentucky/Indiana border. It's comfortable and pleasant during June and August. You can also enjoy the view of the lake from your front porch.