Lafferty, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Laffety City? This map shows you the surrounding towns and cities. You can plan a trip to these towns and see what they have to offer, as well as get a feel for the community. If you're interested in learning more about the area, you can search for cities within 100 miles of Lafferty.

As of 2019, the population of Lafferty is comprised of 120 Whites (non-Hispanics). There are zero Blacks or African Americans in Lafferty. Those that are hispanic make up 0% of the population. You can find more information about the different races in the city by examining the following chart. While some residents may reside in Lafferty, OH, many others may work in neighboring cities or towns.

The population was evenly spread out, with twenty-four percent of the city's inhabitants under the age of eighteen years. The rest lived in households with two people who were married, while twenty-five percent were non-families. One-third of the households was made up of single people, while 14.6% were senior citizens living alone. There were two households for every hundred residents, with males outnumbering females.

The ZIP Code for Lafferty, Ohio is the same as the city's name. This city is on Eastern Standard Time, and the USPS uses this default name. It is located within Belmont County, Ohio. It is a small town, but it's an important hub for transportation networks. Over 4,000 people are employed by Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel.