La Rue, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most populous race or ethnic group in La Rue City is White. Hispanics and Two Or More people make up the next three most common racial or ethnic groups. The median household income in La Rue City, OH is $41,618. This is a low number compared to the national average. According to the United States Census Bureau, there are 294 people employed in the city. The largest industries in La Rue are Manufacturing (79 people), Retail Trade (45 people), and Health Care & Social Assistance (31 workers). The highest-paying industries in La Rue City, OH are Construction, Education, and Healthcare, with total employee counts at 158.

The median household income in La Rue City is $41,618, and there are 675 residents. The median age is 37.6 years. The median household income in La Rue, OH is $41,618, a 9.16% increase over last year. The most common racial or ethnic group is White (non-Hispanic), followed by Two+ people and Hispanics. Approximately 4.59% of residents are Hispanic.

The population and steets in La Rue City are divided into buckets by their mode of transportation. This chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation in La Rue, OH. The graph uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis, which helps to show how different methods of transportation are used in the city. The percentage of households in La Rue, OH that own a car is 56.6%. Nearly 61% of La Rue residents drive alone to work. Additionally, there are approximately two cars per household.