Kirby, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what the population and steets in Kirby City are? Here are some facts you should know. Kirby, TX is a city in Texas. The median age is 35.4. While native-born citizens are most likely to be between 30 and 35 years old, there are also residents who are at least 18 years old. In Kirby, TX, the median age is 35.4 for both whites and non-hispanics.

The city is made up of several neighborhoods. The old town area is located between FM 78 and Old Seguin Road. The old town area includes the city hall, Kirby Middle School, and the former post office and fire station. The city has a large elderly population. In general, however, the older residents of the city are younger than those in the rest of the city. For this reason, the population of older residents is larger in older neighborhoods.

While there is no official crime rate, the area does experience high rates of violent and sexual offenses. In 2021, the city's crime rate was up 19% from the previous year and 9.50 percent higher than the state average. The least common crime in Kirby is theft from a person, but it increased by 39% from the previous year's crime figures. Kirby is a great place to live if you want to live near natural resources.

The local policing authority, Chief Superintendent Norman Chapple, published a report entitled, 'An Objective Assessment of the Police and Social Problems in Kirkby City