Kipling, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To learn about the population and the steets of Kipling City, North Carolina, read on! You'll be glad you did! Keep reading to discover what you can find in the town. You might also be interested in nearby towns. These cities are within 36 miles of Kipling, NC. You can use these cities as a guide to plan your trip to Kipling.

The Census Bureau collected demographic information about this area in 2010. These statistics were grouped into small geographical areas to show how many people live in an area. Kipling Street, Lockyer Estate, and its surrounding area fall within the Bermondsey and Old Southwark Borough parliamentary constituency. Labour MP Neil Coyle represents the area. Labour received 16,126 votes in the last general election. The map below shows the voting breakdown in the area.