Jewett, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Jewett City, Mississippi, then you've come to the right place. The following information will give you a general idea of what the city is like. This article contains vital statistics about Jewett City, Mississippi. Its median household income, house value, and minority population is below the state average. In addition, it is home to several military units.

As with any new city, it's always a good idea to research crime rates in the area before you move. In the United States, city crime rates are rated from one to a hundred. The crime rate in Jewett City is 11.3 percent violent, and 23.4 percent property. Taking these statistics into consideration, you'll be much better prepared to move to Jewett City. Once you've found a home, you'll be happier and safer.

The ZIP Code for Jewett City is 06351. This is the "default" name for the city. Most people refer to it by this name. Here's the population estimate for the city. The population of Jewett City in the year 2020 is expected to be 3,321 people. In 2010 the population of Jewett City was 3,053, and it is the 23rd largest city in Connecticut.