Ironton, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Ironton is located in northwest Illinois, United States. The city has an estimated population of 10,247. The area is home to many white people, while 2.5% of residents are black or Hispanic. Listed below are the racial and ethnic groups present in the city. Also, the median household income is $28,831 while the average household income is $39,571. The average high school graduation rate is 62%.

The population of Ironton City is approximately 44 years old. While native-born citizens are the majority of the population, there are several immigrants from other countries living in the area. In 2018, the median age of the population in Ironton, OH was 41 years old. In 2019, the most common foreign-born origins were China, India, and Mexico. About one-third of residents had no health insurance.

The town was once a center for the American Civil War. The 91st Ohio Infantry was mustered here on August 26, 1862. The town did not experience the same success as Detroit, but it managed to attract a variety of heavy industry. Despite its efforts, the continued reliance on labor-intensive industries has caused significant decline in the city's population. By 2004, Alpha Portland Cement and Allied Signal had left the area, and the city's population had fallen by 50%.

Ironton is located in Lawrence County, Ohio. The city has a long history in the iron industry, and it is home to the Downtown Ironton Historic District. Ironton was also the home of the first professional football team in Ohio. It is home to about 10,000 people and is a county seat. In addition to its many history, the city is home to the Ironton Iron Works.