Hoytville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will show you the Population & Steets in HoYTVILLE City, Ohio. The city's population is younger than the United States as a whole. The median age in Hoytville City is 33.3 years, 4.6 years younger than the national average. However, there are a lot of older residents as well. The median age in Hoytville City is 37.9 years. Similarly, only 7.60% of the population is 65 and over, compared to 15.2% of the U.S. population.

If you're looking for places to visit in Hoytville, OH, here's a list of nearby cities. The bigger cities have large airports, so if you need to travel to another part of Ohio, check out the major cities that are nearby. For example, you can search for cities that are 4 hours or less away from Hoytville. Listed below are the cities closest to Hoytville, OH.

The demographics of Hoytville City include its overall population of 301 people. The median household income is $40,938. The poverty rate is 6.5 percent. For every thousand people living in Hoytville, there are five children. In other words, this city has an aging population. With its economic outlook, it's important to make the most of it. When you visit, don't forget to consider the population.