Hopedale, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered what the population & steets are in Hopedale City? If you have, you're not alone. Thousands of people make their homes in Hopedale. Listed below are the current population & steets of the Hopedale city, MA. Whether you're planning a visit or just looking for more information, you can find a lot of information about this small town.

The city is home to 960 residents of various races, ethnicities, and sexes. 45.7% of Hopedale residents identify as male and 54.3% are female, while the overall gender ratio is around 50.2%. The race and ethnicity breakdown in Hopedale, OH is below the national average. But, luckily, the city's residents are proud of their ethnicity!

The average age of people living in Hopedale is 44 years for men and 51 years for women. However, the community was a progressive one, and many of its members believed in temperance and abolition. Nonetheless, the city did eventually go bankrupt. Ballou's followers took over the administration of Hopedale, but only after it reverted back to its former ideals. And, although it's not an ideal place to raise a family, the quality of life is very good in Hopedale.

The city is located in Worcester County, Massachusetts, and has a small population of around 6,000. The town was first settled in 1660 and the Draper Brothers brought loom industry to the town in 1856. Now, the city is part of the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor. The historic mill village remains. In fact, the town hall was designed by George Draper, and the marble sculpture on the lawn outside the library was paid for by the Draper brothers. The sculpture was shipped to Hopedale from Italy in 1904.