Hooven, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the people of Hooven City, OH, you may want to check out the city's population and steets. The city is home to approximately 680 people. The median household income is $55,893.

The following table shows the population and steets of Hooven. The area is a large one in southwest Ohio, located along the Ohio River near the Indiana/Kentucky border. The climate in Hooven is warmest in September, June, May, and January. Winters are colder, with temperatures dipping below freezing. But even if you don't have to stay indoors for very long, the weather in Hooven is comfortable.

The people of Hooven, OH are of many races. They are White, Black, and Native American. The highest paying occupations are in manufacturing, education, legal, and community services. The median property value is $71,600. There are 186 people living in Hooven. The largest industries in Hooven, OH are Transportation & Warehousing, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing. Those with wages under the poverty line are considered to be poor.