Higginsport, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Higginsport, Ohio, is a large city located along the Ohio River and the Kentucky/Indiana border. The climate in this city is mild, with the most pleasant months being May, June and September. It's coldest months are January and February, with temperatures reaching as low as 15 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also expect some snowfall in the winter. Population & Steets in Higginsport City:

If you'd like to travel further from Higginsport, you can find out the nearest major cities with a search on the Internet. The closest big cities to Higginsport, OH are Toledo, Columbus, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Akron. However, you can also look up nearby smaller towns to see what they're like. If you're looking for a weekend getaway, consider checking out nearby towns as well.

If you're curious about the population of Higginsport, Ohio, you might want to look up its ZIP code. The Higginsport ZIP code is designated by the United States Postal Service. This post office uses the default name of Higginsport, which is the name the locals use for the city. You can use Higginsport's ZIP code to copy mail to another address.