Hanoverton, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How do you determine the population and steets of a city? Here are some helpful stats to determine the demographics of Hanoverton, Ohio. It is important to note that the local population is composed of mostly white residents; just under one-third of the entire population is black. There are also 0.1% Hispanic residents. If you're thinking of advertising locally, consider the median household income of $41,016. And, remember that the average household income in Hanoverton is $47,668. Finally, you can target the demographics of Hanoverton residents by determining their high school graduation rate.

The population of Hanoverton, OH is estimated at 141 households. Of these households, 70 earn between $10,000 and $50,000 a year. Twenty-seven households make more than $100,000. In the chart below, you can see the household income in Hanoverton, OH compared to the state of Ohio and the entire country. To get a better idea of the average household income, you can compare the local area with nearby cities.

The United States Postal Service has a list of zip codes in Columbiana County. Hanoverton, OH is located in one of these ZIP codes. The city is part of the United Local School District. Hanoverton is served by two elementary schools and one high school. The area's school enrollment data is available on its school page. You can also learn more about the neighborhood's history and present residents through the Hanoverton, OH school enrollment.