Hammondsville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the Population & Steets in Hammonsville city, Ohio, you have come to the right place. Here, you'll find a list of interesting facts about this city. Among other things, you'll learn how many people live in the city and the types of crime that occur there. Regardless of whether you're new to the area or a long-time resident, you can use this information to better understand your new neighborhood.

The population of Hammondsville, OH is approximately 819 people. There are 381 households in the city. The median home value in the city is $79,800. The average household size is 2.59 people. The gender ratio of Hammondsville is 52.9% male and 47.1% female, which is higher than the U.S. and Ohio averages. The percentage of Hispanic people in the city is also higher than the national average.

In addition to the population and steets, you can also find out the schools, museums, and hospitals in Hammondsville. Visiting the town of Hammondsville is a great way to get to know the community better and make new friends. The city also has a number of shopping centers. The town has numerous restaurants and other facilities. If you're looking for a job, there are many job opportunities.